Eventide x Vanessa
Sumatran Short Tail Python
Python curtus

Now available
Hatched: Aug 5-9, 2022
Clutch ID: V22-01 to V22-16
Eating f/t small rats.
Sire: Eventide (Quickdraw line)
Dam: Vanessa (Quickdraw line)
Half of the clutch was incubated maternally and the other half artificially.
Scroll to bottom for more information and photos of the experience.
I am really in in love with how this group is developing. They exhibit a lot of tan and yellow with a lot of thick sidewalls. This is another step in the light phase chrome project.
Questions or to purchase Email Randilyn at info@bioboutiquekc.com

ID: V22-08
Gender: Male
Price: $300
A really slick looking male with a clean head.
Maternal incubation with Vanessa the Sumatran Short Tail python update!
Vanessa and the sire Eventide were both produced here in 2017. This is her first clutch and his second. I've always wanted to try maternal with short tails for no particular reason other than FUN and really cool to see a mother experience the complete natural cycle.
She laid 16 eggs at the beginning of June. She pushed all substrate and boxes out of the way and laid them directly on the floor of the enclosure next to the UTH (thankfully not on it). I let her be but over the course of the next week she pushed one or two eggs from her pile every day.A total of 9 eggs were pushed from her pile and those went into the incubator. Leaving Vanessa with 7 eggs, which she held onto fiercely for the next two months.
Artificial: pipped at day 63
Maternal: pipped at day 66
100% hatch rate both methods.
Artificial temp: 87 F
Maternal temp: 85-86 F
Artificial genders: 7.2
Maternal genders: 3.4
Artificial weight at a week old: average 66.8g, range 5g
Maternal weight at a week old: average 69g, range 10g
I think the difference in methods is negligible except the gender difference (which I checked over and over to be sure...!). Too small a sample size to say anything about anything. But hey, this was fun!Mom is doing fine, skinny as heck! During this process she developed a swollen spot on her nose. Not sure what from, stress? But it's not concerning, she is being treated now that she is away from her eggs and once she sheds it should start to heal.